Lee Ya-Jui

Our Dancer

Lee  graduate from the Dance Department, Taipei National University of the Arts, TNUA.

During his days at TNUA, he performed in many classical works by maestro choreographers, namely,《Sticks》(Excerpt) by Sang JiJia,《Legacy》(Excerpt) by Lin Hwai-Min,《Lament of the Exile》&《The Rite of Spring-2012》by Zhang Xiao-Xiong,《Four Movement Form》&《Concerto in D》by Graeme Collins,《Unknown》by Zheng Zong-Lung,《Feng Yun》by Yang Ming-Lung. His other credits include, Yi Production《Scape of Yi》by Wu Yi-San in 2017. W.C. Dance《Aerodynamics》by Lin Wen-Chung, JMDT《Welcome Home》by Chang Chi-Wu in 2015. Collision Motion Lab《Diary of Events》by Lin Li-Chuan, Focus Dance Company【Double Half】in 2014.

He joined the Guangdong Modern Dance Company in 2017. He has performed Beyond Calligraphy,Sumeru.